

Monographs / Surveys (English) - PL`s list

List of Monographs & Surveys 


A Natural History of the Piano - Stuart Isacoff - 2012 mobi epub pdf
A Schoenberg Reader. Documents of a Life - Joseph Auner - 2003 pdf
Arthur Schnabel. A Biography - C.Saerchinger - 1957.pdf
At the Piano. Interviews with 21st-Century Pianists - C.Benser - 2011.pdf
Australian Chamber Music with Piano - Larry Sitsky - 2011.pdf
Australian Piano Music of the Twentieth Century - L.Sitsky - 2005.pdf

Benjamin Britten. A Bio-Bibliography - S.R.Craggs - 2001.pdf
Berlioz Studies - Peter Bloom - 1992.pdf
Britten's Musical Language - P.Rupprecht - 2002 .pdf
Britten's Unquiet Pasts - H.Wiebe - 2012.pdf
Busoni as Pianist - Grigory Kogan - 2010

Camille Saint-Saens - R.Nichols - 2008.pdf
Centre and Periphery, Roots and Exile Interpreting the Music of István Anhalt, György Kurtág, and Sándor Veress - 2011
Classical Form - W.E.Caplin - 1998.pdf
Confronting Silence Selected Writings - T.Takemitsu - 1995.epub
Conversing with Cage - R.Kostelanetz - 1988.pdf

Early Keyboard Instruments. A Practical Guide - D.Rowland - 2004.pdf
Eighteenth-Century Keyboard Music - R.Marshall - 2003.pdf

French Pianism: A Historical Perspective - C.Timbrell - 1999.epub
From Paris to Peoria, How European Piano Virtuosos Brought Classical Music to the American Heartland - R.A.Lott - 2003.pdf

Handel. The Man & His Music - J.Keates - 2009.epub
Hans Von Bülow: A Life and Times - A.Walker - 2010.pdf
Hess, Sacred Passions - The Life and Music of Manuel de Falla - 2008.pdf
Holst: The Planets (Cambridge Music Handbooks) - Richard Greene - 1995.pdf
How the Piano Came to Be - G.E.Howell - 1868 epub txt

Keyboard Music Before 1700 - Routledge - 2003 .pdf
King of Ragtime Scott Joplin and His Era - E.A.Berlin - 1994.epub mobi

Lateness and Brahms - M.Notley - 2006.pdf
Life & letters of P.Tchaikovsky - M.Tchaikovsky - 1906.epub mobi pdf

Mendelssohn: A Life in Music - R.L.Todd - 2005.pdf
Moriz Rosenthal in Word And Music - M.Mitchell & A.Evans - 2005.pdf
Music and Manners in France and Germany. Volume 1 - H.F.Chorley - 2009.pdf
Music and Manners in France and Germany. Volumes 2 - H.F.Chorley - 2009.pdf
Musical instruments from the Renaissance to the 19th century - S.Paganelli - 1970.pdf

One Handed. A Guide to Piano Music for One Hand - D.L.Patterson - 1999.pdf

Passion For The Piano - Judith Oringer - 1983.pdf
Piano Roles - A New History of the Piano - 2001.pdf
Pianos and Their Makers (V. 1) (1911-13).pdf

Rudolf Serkin. A Life - S.Lehmann & M.Faber - 2003.pdf

Sacred Passions: The Life and Music of de Falla - C.A.Hess - 2005.pdf
Samuel Barber. The Composer and His Music - B.Heyman - 1994.pdf
Silvio Scionti Remembering a Master Pianist and Teacher - J.Guerry - 1991.epub
Style and Idea - Arnold Schonberg - 1950.pdf

Teaching Music to Students with Special Needs - A.Hammel & R.Hourigan - 2011.pdf
The Classical Style: Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven (Expanded Edition) - C.Rosen - 1998.djvu pdf
The Companion to The Mechanical Muse, The Piano, Pianism and Piano Music - D.Carew - 2007.pdf
The Complete Classical Music Guide - DK Publishing.pdf
The Historical Performance of Music. An Introduction - Cambridge - 2003.pdf
The Life of Handel - Victor Schoelcher - 2009.pdf
The Magic Touch. Piano Music by Mind Training - M.Jaëll - 2004.pdf
The Music of Toru Takemitsu - P.Burt - 2001.pdf
The New Grove Early Keyboard Instruments - E.M.Ripin Norton - 1989.pdf
The Organ As a Mirror of Its Time: North European Reflections, 1610-2000 - K.J.Snyder - 2002.pdf
The Pianist - W.Szpilman & W.Hosenfeld - 2002.pdf mobi epub
The Pianoforte And Its Music - H.E.Krehbiel - 1911.pdf
The Possessor and the Possessed. Handel, Mozart, Beethoven, and the Idea of Musical Genius - P.Kivy - 2001.pdf
The Romantic Generation (Charles Eliot Norton Lectures) - C.Rosen - 1998.djvu pdf epub
The Songs of Edvard Grieg - Beryl Foster - 2007.pdf
The Tragic and the Ecstatic - The Musical Revolution of Wagner's Tristan und Isolde - E.Chafe - 2005.pdf
The Young Musician's Survival Guide: Tips from Teens and Pros - A.Nathan - 2008.pdf
Vivaldi (Master Musicians) - Michael Talbot - 2000



About Bach - G.S Butler - 2008
An Introduction to Bach Studies - D.R.Melamed & M.Marissen - 1998.pdf
Analysis of J.S. Bach's forty-eight fugues - E.Prout - 1910.pdf
Analysis of J.S.Bach`s preludes & fugues. Part 1 - Dr.H.Riemann - 1890.pdf
Analysis of J.S.Bach`s preludes & fugues. Part 2 - Dr.H.Riemann - 1890.pdf
Aspects of Unity in J.S.Bach's Partitas and Suites - An Analytical Study -  D.W.Beach - 2005.pdf
Bach Interpretation Articulation Marks in Primary Sources of J.S.Bach (Cambridge Musical Texts & Monographs) - John Butt - 1990
Bach (Master Musicians Series) - M.Boyd - 2001.pdf
Bach Music in the Castle of Heaven - E.Gardiner - 2013.epub
Bach The Goldberg Variations -  P.F.Williams - 2003.pdf
Bach's Changing World Voices in the Community - C.K.Baron - 2008.pdf
Bach's Cycle, Mozart's Arrow: An Essay on the Origins of Musical Modernity  - K.Berger - 2007.pdf
Bach's Well-tempered Clavier: The 48 Preludes and Fugues - D.Ledbetter - 2002.pdf
Bach Works Catalogue - Schmieder's Bach-Werke-Verzeichni
Forty-Eight Preludes & Fugues of Bach - C.Gray - 1934 .pdf
J.S. Bach's Great Eighteen Organ Chorales - R.Stinson - 2001.pdf
J.S. Bach: A Life in Music - P.Williams - 2007.pdf
Johann Sebastian Bach His life, art, and work - J.N.Forkel - 1920.pdf
Johann Sebastian Bach: His Work and Influence on the Music of Germany, 1685-1750  Vol.I-3 - P.Spitta – 1880.pdf
Johann Sebastian Bach: The Learned Musician - C.Wolff - 2001.epub
Mystical Love in the German Baroque - Theology, Poetry, Music (Contextual Bach Studies) - I. van Elferen - 2009.pdf
New Approach To Piano Transcriptions And Interpretation Of Johann Sebastian Bach's Music - A.Briskier - 1958.pdf
The Art of Fugue, Bach Fugues for Keyboard, 1715-1750 -J.Kerman - 2005.pdf
The Creative Development of Johann Sebastian Bach Vol.1:1695-1717 - R.D.P.Jones - 2007.pdf
The Keyboard Music of J.S.Bach - D.Schulenberg - 2006.pdf
The Organ Music of J.S.Bach - P.Williams - 2004.pdf
The Organs of J.S. Bach A Handbook - C.Wolff, M.Zepf - 2012.pdf
The New Bach Reader. A Life of Johann Sebastian Bach in Letters and Documents by Arthur Mendel - 1999


A companion to Beethoven's pianoforte sonatas, bar-by-bar analysis - D.F.Tovey, B.Cooper - 1998.djvu
Analysis of form in Beethoven's sonatas - H.A.Harding - 1901.pdf
Beethoven. Anguish and Triumph - Jan Swafford - 2014
Beethoven - B.Cooper - 2008.pdf
Beethoven - W.Kinderman - 2009.pdf
Beethoven after Napoleon Political Romanticism in the Late Works - S.Rumph - 2004.pdf
Beethoven and the Construction of Genius Musical Politics in Vienna, 1792-1803 - T.De Nora - 1997.pdf
Beethoven The Ninth Symphony - D.Benjamin - 2003.pdf
Beethoven the Pianist - T.Skowroneck - 2010..pdf
Beethoven's Chamber Music in Context - A.Watson - 2012.pdf
Beethoven's Immortal Beloved: Solving the Mystery - E.Walden - 2011 .pdf
Beethoven's Letters 1790-1826 - (Dodo Press).pdf
Beethoven's Letters 1790-1826, Volume 1&2 - Tr. by L.Wallace -.2004 .epub
Beethoven's Pianoforte Sonatas a guide for students and amateurs - E.Fischer.pdf.pdf
Beethoven's Works for Violin and Piano - E.Heeney - 2007.pdf
Beethoven, A Character Study together with Wagner's Indebtedness to Beethoven - G.A.Fischer - 2005.epub
Beethoven: The 'Moonlight' and other Sonatas, Op.27 & Op.31 - T.Jones - 1999.pdf
Beethoven: The Universal Composer - Edmund Morris - 2005 .pdf
Bold Composer - A Story About Ludwig Van Beethoven - J.P.Pinkerton.pdf
Introduction To The Interpretation Of The Beethoven Piano Works - A.B.Marx - 1895.pdf
Musical Form in the Age of Beethoven Selected Writings on Theory and Method - Cambridge - 1998.pdf
Musical Meaning in Beethoven - Markedness, Correlation and Interpretation (Advances in Semiotics) Robert S. Hatten - 1994 pdf
Musical Meaning in Beethoven - R.S.Hatten - 1994.pdf
The Beethoven Sonatas and the Creative Experience - K Drake - 1994
The Ninth: Beethoven and the World in 1824 - H.Sachs - 2011.epub


A handbook of Chopin's works - G.C.A.Jonson - 1905.pdf
Chopin. The Piano Concertos - J.Rink - 1997.pdf
Frederic Chopin; his life, letters, and works (1879) epub mobi pdf
Chopin and the G minor Ballade - D.Björling - 2002.pdf
Chopin. The composer - E.S.Kelly - 1913.pdf
Chopin The Man and His Music - J.Huneke - 2008.pdf
Chopin Through His Contemporaries - P.Azoury - 1999.pdf
Chopin's greatest works - J.Kleczynski - 1896.pdf
Chopin's letters - Translated by E.L.Voynich - 1931.pdf
Chopin's Polish Ballade Op.38 as Narrative of National Martyrdom - J.D.Bellman - 2010.pdf
Chopin. The Four Ballades - J.Samson - 1992.pdf
Frederick Chopin as a Man and Musician - F.Niecks - 1902.pdf
Fredric Chopin, A Research and Information Guide - W.Smialek - 1999.pdf
Life of Chopin - Franz Liszt - Tr.J. Pychowski.pdf
Mastering the Chopin Etudes (excerpt) - A.Kogosowsky - 2010.pdf
Mastering the Chopin Etudes and other essays - A.Whiteside - 1969.pdf
Music in Chopin's Warsaw - H.Goldberg - 2008.pdf
Rediscovering F.Chopin’s Trois Nouvelles Études - A monograph by Q.-S.Xian - 2002.pdf
The Chopin Technic - H.Levey - 1908.pdf


Cambridge Companion to Debussy - S.Trezise - 2003.pdf
Dawn of the Belle Epoque The Paris of Monet, Zola, Bernhardt, Eiffel, Debussy, Clemenceau, and Their Friends - M.McAuliffe - 2011.pdf
Debussy and the Fragment - L.Cummins - 2006.pdf
Debussy in proportion - A musical Analysis - R.Howat - 1981.pdf
Debussy La Mer (Cambridge Music Handbooks) - S.Trezise - 2005.pdf
Debussy's Letters to Inghelbrecht - M.G.Cobb - 2005.pdf
Pentatonicism from the Eighteenth Century to Debussy - J.Day-O'Connell - 2010.pdf
The Cambridge Companion to Debussy - S.Trezise - 2003.pdf
The Piano Music of Claude Debussy - A.Cortot - 1922.pdf


Gershwin: Rhapsody in Blue - D.Schiff - 1997.pdf
The George Gershwin Reader - R.Wyatt & J.A.Johnson - 2007.pdf


Enrique Granados. A Bio-Bibliography - C.A.Hess - 1991.pdf
Enrique Granados: Poet of the Piano - W.A.Clark - 2011.pdf


Haydn Studies - W.D.Sutcliffe - 2006.pdf
Joseph Haydn Thematisch-bibliographisches Werkverzeichnis - Anthony van Hoboken - 1957 Vol.1-3.pdf


Correspondence of Wagner and Liszt, Volumes 1 & 2.pdf
Franz Liszt A Guide to Research - M.Saffle - 1998.pdf
Franz Liszt and His World - C.H.Gibbs, D.Gooley - 2006.pdf
Liszt Sonata in B Minor - K.Hamilton - 2007.pdf
The Liszt Companion - B.Arnold - 2002.pdf
Virtuosity and the Musical Work - The Transcendental Studies of Liszt - J.Samson - 2004.pdf


Mendelssohn in Performance - S.Reichwald - 2009


A Life in Letters by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Penguin books - 2006.epub
Cambridge Mozart Encyclopedia - 2006.pdf
Conscise analysis of Mozart's 22 piano sonatas - J.Salisbury - 1917.pdf
Constanze Mozart: After the Requiem - H.Gärtner - 1991.epub
Life of  Mozart Vol.1-3 - O.Jahn - 1859.pdf
Mozart (Master Musicians Series) - J.Rushton - 2009.pdf
Mozart - E.J.Breakspeare - 1902.pdf
Mozart and Masonry - P.Nettl - 1976.pdf
Mozart The Early Years 1756-1781- Stanley Sadie - 2005
Mozart's Piano Sonatas: Contexts, Sources, Style - J.Irving - 1999.pdf
Mozart's Viennese Instrumental Music - S.P.Keefe - 2007.pdf
Mozart: A Life - M.Solomon - 1996.pdf
The Age of Mozart and Beethoven - G.Pestelli - 1984.pdf
The Cambridge Companion to Mozart - S.P.Keefe  - 2003.pdf
The Life of Mozart: Including his Correspondence - E.Holmes - 2009.pdf
The Mostly Mozart Guide to Mozart - C.Vigeland - 2009 .pdf
Understanding Mozart's Piano Sonatas - J.Irving - 2010.pdf


Prokofiev's Piano Sonatas - B.Berman - 2008.pdf
Prokofiev's Soviet Years - S.Morrison - 2009.pdf


A Schoenberg Reader. Documents of a Life - Joseph Auner - 2003
Schoenberg (Master Musicians) - M. MacDonald - 2008 .pdf
Schoenberg's Musical Imagination (Music in the Twentieth Century) - Michael Cherlin - 2007
Style and Idea - Arnold Schonberg - 1950 pdf
The Arnold Schoenberg Companion - W.B.Bailey - 1998.pdf
The Arnold Schoenberg Companion - W.B.Bailey - 1998


Analyzing Schubert - S.Clark - 2011.pdf
Crossing Paths: Schubert, Schumann, and Brahms - J.Daverio - 2002.pdf
Franz Schubert, the man and his circle (1935) pdf mobi epub
Franz Schubert. A Biography - E.N.McKay - 1998.pdf
Franz Schubert and His World - Christopher H. Gibbs, Morten Slavik - 2014.epub
Goethe and Schubert: The Unseen Bond - K.S.Whitton - 1999
Our Schubert. His Enduring Legacy - D.Schroeder - 2009.pdf
Returning Cycles. Contexts for the Interpretation of Schubert's Impromptus and Last Sonatas - C.Fisk - 2001.pdf
Schubert in the European Imagination, Vol.1 - S.Messing - 2008.pdf
Schubert's Fingerprints Studies in the Instrumental Works - Susan Wollenberg - 2011


Fantasy Pieces. Metrical Dissonance in the Music of Robert Schumann - H.Krebs - 1999.pdf
Robert Schumann: Herald of a "New Poetic Age" - J.Daverio - 1997.pdf
Schumann - E.F.Jensen - 2001.pdf
Schumann Fantasie, Op.17 - N.Marston - 1992.pdf


A Shostakovich Casebook (Russian Music Studies) - Malcolm Hamrick Brown - 2004
A Shostakovich Companion - Michael Mishra - 2008
Dmitri Shostakovich A Catalogue, Bibliography and Discography, 3rd edition  - Derek C. Hulme - 2002.pdf
Dmitri Shostakovich Catalogue. The First Hundred Years and Beyond - D.C.Hulme - 2010.pdf
Dmitri Shostakovich. Pianist - S.Moshevich - 2004
Shostakovich and His World (Bard Music Festival) - Laurel E. Fay - 2004
Shostakovich and Stalin The Extraordinary Relationship Between the Great Composer and the Brutal Dictator - Solomon Volkov - 2004
Shostakovich in Context - Rosamund Bartlett - 2000
Shostakovich in Dialogue - Judith Kuhn - 2010
Shostakovich Reconsidered - Allan B. Ho and Dmitry Feofanov - 1998
Shostakovich Studies (Cambridge Composer Studies)  - David Fanning - 1995
Shostakovich Studies 2 (Cambridge Composer Studies) - Pauline Fairclough - 2010
Shostakovich Symphonies and Concertos - David Hurwitz - 2006
Shostakovich The Man and His Music - Christopher Norris - 1983
Shostakovich. A Life - L.E.Fay - 1999.pdf
The Cambridge Companion to Shostakovich (Cambridge Companions to Music) - Pauline Fairclough, David Fanning - 2008
The New Shostakovich - Ian MacDonald - 1990


Stockhausen - Life and work - K.H.Worner - 1977.pdf
Stockhausen: A Biography - M.Kurtz - 1994.pdf


Stravinsky (1882-1971): A Composers' Memorial - Perspectives of New Music - 2009.pdf
Stravinsky and His World - Tamara Levitz - 2013
Stravinsky Inside Out - C. M. Joseph - 2001.pdf
The Cambridge companion to Stravinsky 2003 - Jonathan Cross.pdf

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