

Mozart. Great Piano Concertos. Vol. 1-4

Euroarts releases a four-volume edition of Mozart’s most significant piano concertos in celebration of his 250th birthday in 2006. Mozart, who composed 21 piano concerti, can be regarded as the “inventor” of the popular piano concerto. Although J.S. Bach and his son had written numerous concerti for harpsichord or fortepiano and orchestra before him, Mozart’s enormous input to the genre is mostly due to his concerti being regarded as ‘popular music’ by his contemporaries: to be enjoyed and replaced quickly by newer works. For this series on four DVDs, the most influential, the most artistically challenging and the most popular piano concerti have been selected to be performed by the best Mozart interpreters of our time. The performances on these DVDs were shot in highly attractive baroque venues – at the Teatro Scientifico del Bibiena in Mantua, in the Rittersaal of the Palais Waldstein in Prague and in the Grosse Galerie at Schloss Schönbrunn in Vienna – capturing the atmosphere of Mozart’s lifetime.

DVDRip 13 m4v X 500 MB

Volume 1

Piano Concerto No. 9 in E flat major, K. 271 "Jeunehomme"; Mitsuko Uchida piano; 
Mozarteum Orchester Salzburg, Jeffrey Tate

Piano Concerto No.12 in A major, K.414; Vladimir Ashkenazy pianist & conductor 
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra

Piano Concerto No. 26 in D major, K.537 "Coronation"; Homero Francesch piano 
Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie, Gerd Albrecht

Volume 2

Piano Concerto No.1 in F major, K.37; Heidrun Holtmann piano

Piano Concerto No. 4 in G major, к. 41; Heidrun Holtmann piano;
Orchestra della Radiotelevisione della Svizzera Italiana, Marc Andreae; Recorded live at the Teatro Scientifico del Bibiena, Mantua

Piano Concerto No. 23 in A major, к.488; Zoltan Kocsts piano.
Virtuosi di Praga, Jiri Belohlavek. Recorded live at the Rittersaai of Palais Waldstein, Prague

Piano Concerto No. 24 in с minor, K.491; Andre Previn pianist & conductor 
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra; Recorded at the GroSe Galerie of Schtoss Schonbrunn, Vienna

Volume 3

Piano Concerto No. 6 in в flat major, K.238; Christian Zacharias piano;
 Radio-Sinfonieorchester Stuttgart, Gianluigi Gelmetti; Recorded at Schwetzingen Palace

Piano Concerto No. 19 in F major, K.459; Radu Lupu piano
Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie, David Zinman; Recorded live at the Sophiensaal, Munich

Piano Concerto No. 20 in D minor, к.466; Ivan Klansky piano; 
Virtuosi di Praga, Jiri Belohlavek; Recorded live at the Rittersaal of Palais Waldstein

Volume 4 

Piano Concerto No. 5 in D major, K.175; Malcolm Frager piano; 
Orchestra della Radiotelevisione della Svtzzera Italiana, Marc Andreae; Recorded at the Teatro Bibiena, Mantua

Piano Concerto No. 8 in с major, K.246; Christian Zacharias piano; 
Radio-Sinfonieorcftester Stuttgart , Gianiuigi Gelmetti; Recorded at the Schwetzingen Palace

Piano Concerto No. 17 in G major, к. 453; Dezso Ranki piano;
English Chamber Orchestra, Jeffrey Tate; Recorded at the Imperial Palace of Schonbrunn, Vienna

Piano Concerto No. 27 in в flat major, K.595; Aleksandar Madzar piano
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Andre Prevm; Recorded at the Imperial Palace of Schonbrunn, Vienna
Directed by Janos Darvas; Produced by Bernd Hellthaler

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